April 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross,

As I write this letter, it is with a heavy heart, when I think back over all that has befallen our country. In my last letter I made a statement that I believe that God is speaking to us, and at present I still cannot see all that he is saying to me. My heart aches for worshipping with the saints and laboring out on the mission field. I feel as though I have no sense of direction. My late Pastor, Bro Lawrence Rhodes, would always give us good advice. He would say, “Do not move in the dark,” and now I am taking his advice and waiting on God to move. Many reservations are shutdown due to the coronavirus, no one going in or coming out. The reservations that have no Gospel witness living there are closed to the Gospel. Oh, what a sad condition to be in. Friends, that is where the world’s vast population are currently living, shutout and having no hope of eternal life. My Christian brethren, if this does not break your hearts, we need a revival.

In the last month we have had two missionaries on our reservations to die from this coronavirus. Bro Dave DeFord that has labored on our reservations for many years in Arizona and New Mexico died in April due to this virus. Also, Bro Jimmy Walters, missionary to his Navajo People in Shiprock, New Mexico, his wife (Rachel) and their son all died from the coronavirus in April. Yes, I am still asking the Lord, “What are you trying to say to me?” Please keep these families in your prayers. Please pray that God will send someone to carry on the work that these men of God had started. Today the total confirmed infected worldwide are 4,298,269 and total deaths are 293,514. USA confirmed infected are 1,413,630 and total deaths are 83,745. My mind cannot comprehend this.

My building project on the Pine Ridge Reservation for the month of May has been cancelled, as well as three projects scheduled in Alaska for the month of June. My Bible Schools (VBS) scheduled for July and August are still on schedule — please pray we will be sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit as we continue these projects. I have over 400 reservations I have yet to visit, so as soon as the restrictions are lifted, I will return to my work. I am not discouraged; I just want to get back to laboring for Christ and winning souls for him. Pray for us and we will pray for you.

As We Labor for Christ,

Gerry & Sheril Locklear


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