February 2024 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross,

I would like to share a verse of scripture with you that God has given me the opportunity to see develop before my eyes. Jeremiah 33:3 “Call unto me, and I will answer thee, and shew thee great and mighty things, which thou knowest not.” When we surrendered full-time to the mission field, I had no idea that God would allow me to witness his hand move in such mighty ways. The open doors he has given us to step through have been beyond my imagination: souls saved, the changes I’ve witnessed in the lives of God’s people, the work accomplished, the lives of missionaries helped, and the list could go on. Beloved, we serve a “GREAT AND MIGHTY GOD.” If you want to see the mighty hand of God move in your life, all you have to do is surrender it all to him and trust in him to do that you cannot do for yourself.

Google Maps has once again given me my year-end travel reports, and once again, in 2023 we traveled around the world twice, and once again, I have the old man looks to prove it. Please pray for my and Ms. Sheril’s health; we are not the spring chickens we used to be. At present we have eleven Bible schools and two building projects scheduled.  “Lord, how am I going to do all of this?”    

I know this paragraph sounds like it came from January’s prayer letter, because it did. We really do need for God’s people to step up and help us with the reprint of the John Eliot Bible. We can never go wrong by giving people the Gospel of Jesus Christ in their own language. This was the first Bible printed in America, and it was a Native American Bible translated into the Algonquin language. This Bible was printed in 1663 on present day grounds of Harvard University. We want to put this Bible back into the hands of the Wampanoag people at no charge to them. Through the help of Awake America, we are also planning on putting a copy of this Bible in every office in Congress. You can send your support for this Bible project to Native American Mission Fund Ministries, 3232 Hendersonville Hwy, Pisgah Forest, NC 28768. Please mark the MEMO, John Eliot Bible Fund. The project is moving along very quickly, and we must have the funds by March 1st. So please respond as soon as possible. Please pray for this Bible project and call me if you have any questions.

As We Labor for Christ,

Gerry & Sheril Locklear
Missionaries to the Native Americans

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