October Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross,

I trust you are doing well and enjoying this beautiful season of cooler weather after the long hot summer.

We have just returned home from the Seminole Reservations in Florida. The Lord gave us a wonderful opportunity to preach at the New Testament Baptist Church on Big Cypress Reservation in the Everglades. It was a blessing to see all that the Lord is doing among the Seminole People. God has truly blessed them with good churches on all six reservations and the people are employed and doing well. The life style of the Seminole people is very different from most western reservations. The Seminole are a Federally recognized tribe, but depend very little upon government assistance. The Seminole are the second largest cattle producers in Florida. I’m scheduled to return in the spring and preach a revival meeting at New Testament Baptist Church and already I’m excited about seeing the people and worshipping with them again.

The year has not yet ended and I’m already working on next years schedule. Please pray that God will give clear direction and that churches will have a desire to be part of Native Mission’s work on the reservations. I am confident that if God’s people fail to carry a burden for the lost and dying world, we are going to lose this generation.  Ezekiel 3:18; When I say unto the wicked, Thou shalt surely die; and thou givest him not warning, nor speakest to warn the wicked from his wicked way, to save his life; the same wicked man shall die in his iniquity; but his blood will I require at thine hand.

Thanksgiving is upon us and a time of reflecting back on this past year’s many blessings. I truly do thank the Lord for all his many blessings, as we were out on the reservations for most of the year. HIS hand of protection was with us as we traveled multiple miles while driving and flying. We witnessed many accidents along the way, but God delivered us from them all.

We pray that God will bless you and your family during this Thanksgiving Season!

As We Labor for Christ,

Gerry & Sheril Locklear

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