June 2023 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross,

1 Chronicles 4:10 And Jabez called on the God of Israel, saying, Oh that thou wouldest bless me indeed, and enlarge my coast, and that thine hand might be with me, and that thou wouldest keep me from evil, that it may not grieve me! And God granted him that which he requested. Beloved I stand amazed at all the opportunities God has given me to labor for him. God has given me all of the United States, Alaska and Canada as my mission field. Much of the time this has seemed like an overwhelming mission field, but he has been with me through it all. He has protected me and guided me when I could not guide myself. Let me ask you beloved, have you ever asked God to enlarge your opportunity to serve him? Until we get a vision of our lost and dying world going to hell, we will not seek God for more areas to serve him. Beloved, let us ask God for this vision.

We started out June with our first VBS and building project in Alaska. With the help of Little Ivy Baptist Church from Mars Hill, NC, we were able to install new sidling and windows for missionary Kevin Smith at Open Door Baptist Church in Fairbanks, Alaska. This was one of the hardest working teams I’ve ever had with me. The amount of work that was done in one week was unbelievable! They worked all day and then taught Bible school in the evening. I want to thank them so much for all the hard work they did for this missionary church. God will bless you for your great sacrifice. God met with us in a special way during the VBS time and God saved an 8-year-old little boy for His glory.

During the third week of June, we started our second VBS and building project on the Navajo Reservation in New Mexico. Pleasant Hill Baptist church from Weaverville, NC, brought an amazing work team out to help us with all of the projects. Missionary Don Heeley at Star Baptist Church, in Pueblo Pintado, NM, needed the group to transform a utility building into a Sunday school classroom. The group did it with amazing speed and quality. I stand amazed at all that God can do with his people, when they are willing to be used by Him. Thank you so much Pleasant Hill, for your willingness to serve God for His glory. The Bible school group was outstanding as well. Through your faithfulness, four adult souls received Christ as their savior. The same week, Little Ivy Baptist Church again helped us with a another VBS on the Flathead reservation in Montana. God used them again in a mighty way. Thank you so much for standing with us in the ministry.

Finally, at the end of June we had our fourth VBS on the Hopi reservation in Arizona. We had a great time with missionary Andy Magnarella at Bethel Baptist Church. I want to thank Trinity Baptist Church, Fairview, NC, for a great VBS. The group worked very hard to make this time enjoyable for all the kids. God met with us in a special way, with 5 kids asking to be saved. “Praise the Lord!” Thank you so much for loving on our native kids.

As we labor for Christ,

Gerry & Sheril Locklear
Missionaries to the Native Americans

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