May 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, We have an urgent request we would like to make you aware of. The Navajo Reservation is our largest reservation in the United States, taking in part of New Mexico, Arizona, and Utah. It is over 27,000 square miles, making it as large as West Virginia. The Navajo Nation has …

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March 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, Greeting in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ. March 1st was our last meeting at Share-A-Thon 2020 and what a time we had. God truly met with us in a very special way this year with souls being saved, saints revived and many making solid commitments to God. The Lord …

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February 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, For many years now, I have prayed for an open door into California. Each time I had opportunity to speak to someone from there or anyone that had any knowledge about the area, I would ask if they knew of anyone with any of the 104 tribes or 92 reservations …

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January 2020 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, We are rejoicing in that God has given us another year to labor for Him out on the mission field. No greater way to start off the new year than thanking Him for another opportunity to roll up our sleeves and get under our cross and lift it up on …

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September 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross,I hope you are enjoying these cooler days as much as I am—this summer heat will go down into the record books. These past days make me all the gladder that I’m not going to hell.  In our last letter I shared with you briefly of our encounter with a hailstorm …

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2019 Christmas Shoebox List

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, God has truly blessed my family and me this year, and because of this the Lord has burdened our hearts to help the Indian kids on some reservations by sending a Christmas shoebox. This would also help the missionaries by opening doors to homes that do not attend church. If …

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August 2019 Prayer Letter

Dear Soldiers of the Cross, We trust you are doing well and serving the Lord faithfully at your post of duty. This August seems to be the hottest time we have ever experienced out on the mission field. We were in temperatures up to 117 in southern Arizona. Ms. Sheril and I were at our …

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